Mark E. Sackett has no plans to sit still anytime soon. He owns 13 related creative businesses, travels often between San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Vancouver BC, and thrives on being inventive daily as he works in Entertainment, Media, Branding, Advertising, Print, Packaging, Identity, Graphic Design, Interactive/On-Line and Website Design, Film Production, Music, Concert Production/Events, and Television. He has been an award-winning Designer/Director/Producer for over 31 years with more than 1000 awards to his credit. Mark consults with CEOs, Venture Capitalists, Brand Owners, and Entrepreneurs around the world to grow their brands, investments, companies, and profits.
Mark is an engaged, passionate entrepreneur and public speaker who thrives on the very notion that everyone can succeed, everyone can live in passion surrounded by creativity, and everyone deserves to find their voice and their music inside. He speaks to groups, conferences, corporations and individuals exciting them toward "going after" what they dream—from starting that long ago shelved idea, to making change in their belief systems about the words that too often hold us back like "Don't, Can't, Shouldn't, Risky, Crazy and Won't". He believes anything is possible: all relationships, all ideas, and all crazy notions about business and life. He believes in collaboration, not competition—and that true collaboration is the primary driver to great results and an impeccable life!
As a Director/Producer/Art Director, award-winning Graphic Designer and President of The Idea Stone and Reflectur, he is widely published and is a well-known public speaker. As the Founder of Brainfood Creative Programs, he is a thought leader who helps people live more creative lives by teaching them about what he calls “Left of Center Thinking” through his one-on-one and team “Brainfood” trainings and seminars worldwide. Brainfood Creative Programs also produces “The Art of Active Networking” worldwide as a way to help entrepreneurs, business people and individuals make stronger, deeper connections using social media and the power of genuine relationships. Mark also has his own radio show called BrainfoodUSA–Living a Creative Life!
As Creator and Founder of The Box SF he produces social networking events, speakers series, seminars, concerts, food and wine events—bringing artists and businesses together into a collaborative, engaging space in his San Francisco studios. His film studio, Articulation Films, produces films with 2–10 million dollar budgets and his recording label, Republic of Sound, helps singers and songwriters get their music to the masses through beautiful production and extraordinary branding and marketing.
Mark believes that best-of-class branding and marketing, paired with ethical business practices and out-of-the-box creative solutions, are the keys to sustained business. Mark serves as a board member or advisory board member to multiple non-profits, believes in giving back to the community, and has recently launched (a unique new way for people to donate to charity) that will eventually give billions of dollars a year to those in need, through this exceptional new model of giving.
He thrives on meeting and doing business with those who do things right: by caring about people, animals, and our planet! He understands well that money is not always the primary driver to success and that relationship and reputation are. Mark knows his stuff and can navigate complex problems and help clients arrive at workable and creative solutions. He loves wine, plays the drums, is an avid collector of books, antique paper, photography, and life experience!
He loves nothing more than sitting with folks, learning about them, and sharing his creative life and ideas by wandering around—dipping his toe into something new so he can constantly learn new things and absorb new images, tastes, sounds, and experiences.
Mark is the consummate networking and social connect. His mantra of "I've never met a stranger" carries him on every flight, in every restaurant, meeting, nightclub, subway or event. He'll be your best wingman, and will more than likely introduce you to someone before you even ask. You can find him on all the networks to the right on this page, and he welcomes you to join him on all of them so you can meet his connections and help each other do better too! You can Google him as "Mark E. Sackett" or you can simply email him directly. But most of all, Mark hopes to connect. You can also add him on LinkedIn, Stage32, and his many Facebook pages and groups. Follow any of his Twitters as: MarkESackett, Reflectur, TheBoxSF, TheBoxSFEvents, and BrainfoodUSA. Instagram Accounts are: @MarkEdwardSackett @TheBoxSFMercantile @TheBoxSFEvents @MyGive4 @TheArtofActiveNetworking and @PicpocketWearables
Most of all, Mark hopes to connect with you and more importantly to energize you toward the notion that you too can live a more creative, passionate, exciting life!